Friday, April 19, 2024

Local updates for April 3

Kerrville and Kerr County experienced a busy news day to wrap up an extremely busy week of local news. Here are the...

Vintage Heights stalls at P&Z; appeals to council for zoning change

The City of Kerrville's Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on December 5, 2019, played to a full house, with every seat occupied...

Voter registration deadline looms

We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate. --Attributed to Thomas Jefferson

Upcoming Election: Charter Amendments

On November 5, Kerrville voters will have an opportunity to vote on several proposed amendments to the...

Place 4 Gene Allen Resigns from Council

In a surprise move yesterday, former councilperson for Place 4, Mr. Gene Allen, submitted his letter of resignation effective at midnight last night. He...