On the agenda: Tuesday, February 12, 2019


The Kerrville City Council will convene on Tuesday evening, February 12, at 6 PM, at City Hall. This week’s agenda includes an affordable housing community, a conditional use permit for HEB, food trucks, establishment of a senior services board, Playhouse 2000, and board appointments. Council will also adjourn to executive session to discuss a proposed Marriot Springhill Suites hotel planned for downtown.

Agenda and Packet (PDF)

Young Hero Receives Commendation

On a lighter and more inspirational note, fourth grader Madaline Munoz will receive a Certificate of Recognition for her heroic efforts during a house fire at her home. The Kerrville Fire Department will recognize Madaline for her quick thinking in this emergency situation. Our congratulations go out to this exceptional 10-year-old!

Certificate of Recognition for Madaline Munoz for her heroic and life-saving actions during a fire in her home on January 22, 2019.

Low Income Housing Application by Hillcrest Senior Village

The city council will consider supporting an application by Hillcrest Senior Village to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for low income housing tax credits. This proposed development will be located on Lehman Drive and will contain approximately 50 units, 40 of which will have restricted rents, and 10 of which will offer standard market rate rents, in order to accommodate the diverse housing needs of mixed–income seniors in the City of Kerrville.

If the application is approved, the developer would receive federal funds via the state agency for property tax reductions of about 9%. To be competitive, the applicant must receive a commitment of a financial contribution to the project by the City of Kerrville in an amount of at least $250 in the form of a loan, grant, or reduced fees. Once submitted to the state, the application would be approved by July 2019.

HEB Gas Station Conditional Use Permit

HEB’s plans for a new store also include a new set of gas pumps and a car wash near the northwest corner of their property. Although there is already a gas station on this property, the new plans include relocating the pumps and adding more pumps, as well as a car wash, and this action requires a Conditional Use Permit, or CUP.

Council will hold a public hearing and consider granting this CUP, which has been recommended for approval by staff.

Proposed HEB store along Main Street in Kerrville.

Health, Sanitation, and Food Trucks?

Kerrville wants to modernize its Health and Sanitation Code by adopting the Texas Food Establishment Rules — a set of state regulations that Texas adopted in 2015. In addition to simplifying food establishment rules, this adoption would also update the Mobile Food Unit section of the city’s ordinances. The city has met with various food truck vendors to review this ordinance, and the city’s Food Service Advisory Board recommends the ordinance for adoption.

Grayscale Photograph of Two People Standing in Front of Food Truck
Stock photo of a food truck. Could food trucks become more feasible in Kerrville?

The takeaway here is that this ordinance would allow food trucks in Kerrville, assuming the vendors can meet the other rules and regulations. But specifically, this ordinance would do several things to make food trucks possible:

  • Variance process for the requirements of a Central Preparation Facility — Currently, all food trucks must have a permitted kitchen or other facility to prepare food and dispose of waste, making it difficult to operate a food truck unless the vendor also has a storefront or catering facility somewhere. This ordinance could lift that requirement on a case by case basis.
  • Fire safety requirement — The Code Review process is ongoing, but this ordinance would allow vendors to comply with all fire codes until the code review is complete.
  • Lowering fees — The annual permit fee would be reduced.

The overall goal of this update, as discussed with the participating vendors and Food Service
Advisory Board, is to simplify the ordinance and increase the availability of the food truck

Senior Services Advisory Board

Council will consider changing the membership of the board to 16 members (up from 13 members). Each member of this board must be at least 55 years of age or have experience in senior service, and must reside within the city limits.

Cailloux Theater Operations Agreement with Playhouse 2000

The Cailloux Theater (officially known as the Kathleen C. Cailloux City Center for the Performing Arts) was renovated in the early 2000s, but even before that renovation, the Playhouse 2000 organization operated the theater and coordinated the performances that take place in that exceptional venue.

Image result for cailloux theater
Interior of Cailloux Theater in Kerrville, Texas

Since that original agreement that was created almost 20 years ago, the city and the Playhouse 2000 organization have negotiated updates for a new agreement, clarifying operating practices and maintenance responsibilities.

The city’s expenditure for this agreement is $100,000 for this budget year. Staff recommends approval of this new agreement.

Parking Garage Enhancements Funding

Council will consider applying for funding through the EIC for various enhancements to the downtown parking garage at the corner of Water Street and Sidney Baker. The funding would provide maintenance and enhanced aesthetics to the structure. The funding request totals $350,000.

City Hall and parking garage in downtown Kerrville.
Proposed budget for parking garage enhancements.

Annexation of future KISD Junior High School Land

Council will consider the annexation petition from KISD for the proposed junior high school along Loop 534. District voters approved a bond issue in November 2018 that included the construction of a new junior high school across from the current Tivy High School on the loop. This annexation request is part of that project, and will be considered several times between now and May 28th, when the annexation would be finalized, if approved.

Executive Session: Marriot Hotel in Downtown?

Council will adjourn to executive session to discuss economic development negotiations regarding the construction of a Marriot Springhill Suites hotel along Water and Spring Streets in downtown Kerrville. No information is publicly available regarding this hotel, but rumor has it that the hotel is to be located between One Schreiner Center and the old phone company building — just across the street from the Catholic Church.

Rumored location of potential Marriot hotel in downtown Kerrville.