Commissioners will explore video and technology options in upcoming workshop


Kerrville United led the effort to urge the Commissioners Court to add a video recording/broadcasting system so that the public can view and participate with their local government, and to make government more accountable and transparent to its constituents. On December 23, Kerrville United founder Aaron Yates presented a petition to the Kerr County Commissioners Court with over 650 signatures, asking the court to install a video system for all public meetings.

Following up with the court this week, we have learned that the Commissioners plan on holding a workshop on February 18 to discuss potential changes/upgrades to the technology used in not only the Commissioners Court, but in other county courtrooms, as well.

According to County Judge Rob Kelly, he is “working with neighboring counties and their vendors on possible options and plans to present a proposal to the Court on February 18th… The new technology is pretty impressive…”

In addition to the installation of cameras and broadcasting resources, the Commissioners Court will also explore the options to transition courtrooms from the traditional shorthand court reporting to new audio/video court recording systems. County staff has met with City of Kerrville staff to better understand how the city records and broadcasts its meetings.

Kerrville United applauds the court’s efforts to increase transparency by investigating the potential for this new technology. Stay tuned to find out what happens during the February 18 workshop.