Council Watch: February 23, 2016


Here’s what to watch for in tonight’s City Council Meeting.

City Council Chambers at City Hall, Kerrville, Texas
City Council Chambers at City Hall, Kerrville, Texas

Peterson Farm Road Housing Development

The council will hear about a report from Freese & Nichols about how much it would cost to install utilities for the project. Read more about the development site here.

The full report can be found in the agenda packet for this meeting.

Playhouse 2000 Campus Support Facility Naming

The council will hear a request to name the facility “The Kit Werlein Annex.” Kit is the founding president of Playhouse 2000 and was instrumental in the remodeling of the current Cailloux Theater.

Video Gambling Machines

According to the council’s documentation, “The increasing temptation from the proliferation of video gambling machines in bars and restaurants can be alarming.”

The council will consider establishing a citizen’s advisory committee to study this topic.

Planning & Zoning Appointment

One alternate position is vacant and council will consider naming a replacement. The P&Z makes recommendations to council on things like zoning, sign ordinances, platting, and subdivision regulations. There are normally five regular members and two alternates. Current members include Robert Waller, Garrett Harmon, Don Barnett, Doyle Malone, William Morgan, and Rustin Zuber (alternate). Bonnie White is the council liaison.