Council Watch: Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 2/9

Council Chambers
City Council Chambers at City Hall, Kerrville, Texas

Interesting agenda items for the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 9 @ 6 PM:

  • Presentation from the ad hoc committee on water reuse and pond construction project. The committee will approve the effluent project that the city has already solicited bonds to build. The committee chairman is John Lovett.
  • The city will ask the council to approve a contract with Peter Lewis + Associates, PLLC, for architectural design of the indoor athletic facility and admin offices at the new sports complex on Holdsworth. The contract will be worth $161,000.
  • A small tract of land originally intended for the river trail is to be deeded back to the adjoining property owner, Kevin Sutherlin. This very small tract was given to the city to use as part of the river trail, but the trail route was actually constructed on the other side of the river, so Sutherlin is asking that it be deeded back to him in accordance with the original intent of the gift.
  • Link to agenda
  • Link to packet with additional information