City of Kerrville budget process gets underway Tuesday


A special meeting of the Kerrville City Council has been called for Tuesday, June 16, at 10:00 AM. Council and staff will discuss the “major” budget items for the FY2021 budget.

Additional workshops will take place in the coming weeks and months. Typically, in August, council will hold hearings on the budget and proposed tax rate. And in September, public hearings and readings of the budget ordinances will take place. The budget goes into effect on the first day of the fiscal year, October 1.

In recent months the council has received regular updates about the budget and changes in revenues and expenses related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Some shortfalls in revenue have been identified, and could impact the budget for 2021.

Tuesday’s workshop will be held in council chambers and will be televised and live-streamed on city networks.
