City modifies emergency declaration to encourage limiting gatherings to 10 persons


A press release issued by the City of Kerrville on Wednesday afternoon announced the mayor’s decision to modify the Emergency Declaration to advise citizens to end all gatherings of 10 persons or larger. This comes on the heels of the latest CDC recommendation that outlines the same advice to limit groups to 10 or fewer to help slow the spread of the virus.

The statement confirmed that there are still no reported cases of COVID-19 locally, but that residents should be ready for WHEN and not IF the disease reaches Kerrville.

“…today the Mayor has amended the City’s emergency declaration, and the City strongly advises our citizens to heed the White House recommendation regarding the 10-person group limit.”

City of Kerrville Press Release, March 18, 2020

Full Text

The full text of the press release is available below:

Kerrville, Texas (March 18, 2020) – The City of Kerrville is meeting daily to discuss ongoing efforts to help prevent spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus locally. Mayor Bill Blackburn issued an Emergency Declaration Monday recommending an end to any gatherings of groups larger than 50 people, as per guidelines issued at that time by the Center for Disease Control and Preparedness (CDC). Since then, the CDC has deferred to the White House recommendation that gatherings of more than 10 people be discouraged.

Accordingly, today the Mayor has amended the City’s emergency declaration, and the City strongly advises our citizens to heed the White House recommendation regarding the 10-person group limit. We are encouraged by the efforts of many local organizations, restaurants and businesses who are already implementing ways to adhere to this guideline by altering their operations.

To date, the City of Kerrville has not had a reported case of COVID-19. Still, it is important that we as a city prepare for when, rather than if, the virus is reported locally. It is vitally necessary that we reduce person-to-person contact and use online resources, email, phones and drive-thru facilities whenever possible to try and slow the virus’s spread.

The City sincerely appreciates the efforts of our local health entities, schools, businesses, and our citizens, to combat the spread of this virus. To keep up with the latest COVID-19 information, please visit the City of Kerrville website at, or call our joint operations phone number at (830) 258-1111.