Voter registration deadline looms


We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.

–Attributed to Thomas Jefferson

Voters have less than two weeks to register to vote in the upcoming primary elections. February 3 is the deadline to register to vote. The process is pretty simple… Just pick up a registration application at the Kerr County Tax Assessor/Collector office or fill one out online and turn it in before February 3.

Why should you vote? Does your vote really matter? Several recent elections — many of them local — demonstrate how important every single vote can be:

  • Don Harris defeated Bob Reeves by just 4 votes in the 2018 Primary Election for County Commissioner Precinct 4
  • Vincent Voelkel defeated Stephen Fine by 154 votes in the 2017 City Council Election for Place 1
  • Harley Belew defeated William Rector by just 39 votes in the 2016 Primary Election Runoff for County Commissioner Precinct 1
  • Bonnie White defeated Glenn Andrew by just 187 votes in the 2016 City Council Election for Mayor

Your vote matters! And your efforts to get your friends, family, and neighbors to vote also matter.

Upcoming Elections

If you live in Kerr County, you have TWO important elections coming up:

  • Primary Elections — Choose to vote in either the Republican or Democratic Party primary election on Tuesday, March 3, with early voting from February 18-28.
  • Primary Runoff Election — Because there are five Republican candidates in the race for Sheriff, there will likely be a runoff election between the top two vote-getters. The runoff election happens on May 26 with early voting from May 18-22.

If you live in the City of Kerrville, you have ANOTHER opportunity to vote:

  • City of Kerrville Election for Mayor, Place 3, and Place 4 — Everyone who is registered to vote and lives in the city limits can cast a ballot for each of these elections. Early voting is from April 20-28, and Election Day is May 2.