Kerrville Area Development Tracker


One of the most common types of questions posted in local forums is, “What are they building on ___ Street?” Or, “When is ____ going to open?” A new project launched by Kerrville United aims to tackle some of those inquiries and provide a place to find answers. The Kerrville Area Development Tracker, below, is a community-focused map describing the various projects and plans for development throughout the community.

Instructions: Click on any of our custom items on the map below for more information. We recommend not zooming in too far, otherwise our icons mix in with the Google Maps places icons, and they’re difficult to distinguish. Click the links within the info panel to read more about any particular project. To view fullscreen, click the small open rectangle near the top-right of the embedded map.

If you know of a construction project, development, or other major project that’s not on this map, please let us know!