This week in local government


Several local government bodies and boards will meet this week, including the Kerr County Commissioners Court, Kerrville City Council, and Kerrville Planning & Zoning Commission. Monday is Veterans’ Day, and most departments will be closed. The closure also moved the regular Commissioners Court meeting to Tuesday morning, instead of the usual Monday morning.

In addition to these regularly scheduled meetings, Kerr County Commissioner Precinct 2 Tom Moser will host a town hall meeting to discuss a rock crushing company’s application for permit change for their quarry along Highway 27.

Here are some of the items on the agenda for this week.

Commissioners Court Meeting

Commissioners will meet on Tuesday morning at 9 AM instead of the usual Monday morning meeting due to the Veterans’ Day closure of county offices.

One agenda item to keep an eye on this Tuesday…

  • 1.12 – Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action regarding Commissioners’ Court Rules on Procedure, Conduct and Decorum; rescind Court Order(s) 25722 and 25797 as appropriate (Judge Kelly).

This very opaque agenda item may be used to set rules for the upcoming “workshop” on November 18 regarding the animal shelter. Unfortunately, the county did not include copies of either of the orders referenced, so we have no way of knowing what will potentially be rescinded. This is very unfortunate. We believe this is another example of the county failing to be transparent by writing a very vague agenda item, and failing to provide the background documents for citizens to prepare themselves for the upcoming meeting.

Agenda for Commissioners Court Meeting on November 12

City Council Meeting

Council will convene at 6 PM on Tuesday evening at City Hall. This regular meeting’s agenda is lengthy for a council meeting. Some items to watch…

  • Council will vote to reappoint Judy Eychner to the Kerr Central Appraisal District Board of Directors. KCAD sets the valuations for all taxable real property in Kerr County, and has come under fire this year for significant valuation increases which resulted in higher tax bills for many residents.
  • Approval of EIC funding agreement for airport improvements.
  • Consideration of the pavement management plan, which sets forth procedures and plans for road maintenance.
  • Contract approval for construction of Olympic Drive extension in the amount of $2.4 million.
  • Executive Session discussion of Lotus Peer Recovery lawsuit.

Agenda for Council Meeting on November 12

Planning & Zoning Commission

The regular meeting was postponed from last Thursday, and the previous meeting before that was canceled because of a lack of business on the agenda. So this will be the first time P&Z has met since October 3. The P&Z will hear applications for zoning changes and platting on several properties.

Agenda for P&Z on November 14

County Town Hall at Martin Marietta

This company has applied for a 24×7 portable rock crushing permit for their facility along Highway 27. Commissioner Tom Moser will host a meeting at the company’s facility at that location on Saturday, November 16, at 10 AM.

Article in Kerrville Daily Times