Council appoints new members to EIC


At the end of the regular meeting of the Kerrville City Council on Tuesday, May 28, the council adjourned into executive session, which is a closed portion of the meeting that is allowed for certain types of deliberations. Upon returning to regular session, the council appointed members to the Economic Improvement Corporation, or EIC, the city board responsible for overseeing the 4B sales tax revenues that are collected on all taxable purchases made within the city limits.

Kent McKinney was appointed to serve a second two-year term on EIC, and new members Danny Almond, Greg Richards, and Aaron Yates were appointed to their first two-year term on the board. Notably, the council chose not to appoint a council member to the EIC, although there has been a council member as part of this board for the past several years.

These new members will take their place on the EIC at the next regular meeting on Monday, June 17. The EIC meets every third Monday at 4:00 PM in City Council chambers.

The EIC has supported several notable projects in recent years, including the River Trail, the Sports Complex, the HEB Tennis Center, and numerous others. The board considers projects that support economic development for the City of Kerrville.

Author’s Note

Your author, Aaron Yates, is one of the members appointed to the EIC on Tuesday evening. I am truly humbled and honored to have the opportunity to serve our city by sitting on this very important board. I look forward to working with board president Kenneth Early, the other board members, and city staff to consider projects that will improve the lives of our neighbors and friends in Kerrville.

When I was interviewed for this position, I told council members that one thing that I pledge to do as an EIC board member is work to improve “public relations” between the board and the residents of Kerrville. Using Kerrville United as my platform, I plan to post regular updates about the projects that the EIC considers, and take your questions as those projects make their way through the process that includes city staff, EIC members, and city council.

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you in future postings.

Authored by Aaron Yates, founder of Kerrville United