Former city secretary issues scathing criticism of Baroody’s lawsuit threat


Brenda Craig was Kerrville’s long-time city secretary, recently retired. The city secretary’s job duties include keeping the minutes for all city council meetings, organizing paperwork and documents for the council, publishing agendas, overseeing elections, handling public records requests, and much more. To say that it’s an important job would be an understatement, and Mrs. Craig served Kerrville with distinction in this capacity for 37 years — and then retired in 2018.

Mrs. Brenda Craig, former city secretary (Source:

In this week’s Hill Country Community Journal, Mrs. Craig submitted a letter to the editor that included some scathing criticisms of Councilmember Place 2 George Baroody’s lawsuit threat as well as the councilman’s behavior that led to his removal as Mayor Pro Tem.

In the future, I hope the city releases the dollar amount that we the taxpayer had to pay, including staff time, to respond to such a frivolous case, or maybe Mr. Baroody will pay these costs since it is solely to appease his ego.

Mr. Baroody clearly demonstrated he is not to be trusted with confidential privileged information…

Mr. Baroody wants the citizens/taxpayers/home owners to reelect him to represent us. Not me!

Excerpts from Brenda Craig’s Letter to the Editor in the Hill Country Community Journal on March 20, 2019

Read the entire letter by visiting this link to the HCCJ, or pick up a printed copy at local retail stores.