Delayne Sigerman files for Place 4


This week Delayne Sigerman officially filed for a place on the ballot for City Council Place 4. The city election is scheduled for May 5, 2018, and Kerrville will elect a mayor and two city councilpersons on places 3 and 4.

Sigerman has served on the Economic Improvement Corporation, the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, and the board of directors for Playhouse 2000.

She is the first person to file for the Place 4 seat. Incumbent councilperson Warren Ferguson, who was appointed to fill the term left vacant by the resignation of Gene Allen, is not running for another term.

In a press release, Sigerman stated:


I’m running for City Council because I believe I can add value to planning Kerrville’s future based upon my experience on the EIC Board, my steering committee involvement with the planning process of the Comprehensive Plan, my experience on the Board of Playhouse 2000 and the personal investment I have made attending many of the Council meetings to observe and learn over the past two years. My family lives, works and recreates here in Kerrville so therefore, I have a vested interested in seeing it continue to thrive and prosper.