Fine urges Mayor White to move aside during Sports Complex ribbon cutting


EDITOR’S NOTE: The following letter was submitted for publication on Kerrville United by Mr. Stephen Fine, former mayor and councilperson on the City of Kerrville City Council. Mr. Fine is referring to the ribbon cutting for the new Athletic Complex on Holdsworth Drive, scheduled to be held on January 17. Here is the letter in its entirety, published with permission.

Aerial view of the Sports Complex on Holdsworth Drive in Kerrville.
Aerial view of the Sports Complex on Holdsworth Drive in Kerrville.

Mayor White,

The public is aware of your voting record and opinion of the Athletic Complex. I would hope that you would do the right thing and move aside so that Former Mayor Jack Pratt can perform the ribbon cutting. You were adamantly opposed to this project during his tenure as Mayor. It would be insincere to now stand in front of the town and tell everyone how great it is for our community. The coumcilmembers that voted for this project received a lot of hostility and accusations from the people in “your corner” during this process. I would hope that you would give credit where credit is due now that it has come to fruition.

Then current Mayor Pratt graciously stood with Former Mayor Wampler and Former Mayor Bock during the opening ceremony for the new City Hall. Former Mayor Bock actually cut the ribbon! Of course they all supported the project. During the opening ceremonies for the Holdsworth Drive Extension, then Mayor Smith, Former Mayor Low and myself all participated. Of course we all supported the project. Former Mayor Low and I dedicated the Scott Schreiner Golf Course remodel together upon completion which we both supported. The pressures and funding for these projects were born under the previous Mayor’s terms for which the current Mayor recognized and respected their participation and contribution to the community in the necessary leadership. The difference, Mayor White, is you did not support this project and do not have the decency to allow former Mayor Prattt the proper honor of opening these fields to the public and sharing this incredible gift from the Cailloux foundation.

As a Former Mayor I encourage you to do the right thing and move aside. As a watchful citizen, not doing so would be disrespectful to the public to try and take credit for something you strongly opposed with your words and vote.

Stephen P Fine
Former Mayor of Kerrville
Former Councilmember Place 1
Former Councilmember Place 2