Election Season Underway


The new year brings a new season of politics and elections at the local, state, and national levels. 2018 is sure to be a tumultuous year in politics as we gear up for a whole slate of races that will have huge consequences for our communities, our states, and our nation.

Kerrville United wants to remind you that even though the majority of the news coverage will feature breathless reports about the primaries and the November general elections, one of the most consequential elections of the year — as far as what will affect your daily life perhaps more than any other — is the City of Kerrville election slated for May 5, 2018.

What’s on the Ballot?

This May, Kerrville will elect a mayor and two councilpersons. Our city has a city council made up of five members: 4 council seats and a mayor. During even years we elect the mayor and places 3 and 4. During odd years, we elect places 1 and 2. Here are the incumbents for the seats that are on the ballot this year:

  • Mayor Bonnie White
  • Place 3 Mary Ellen Summerlin
  • Place 4 Warren Ferguson

As of now, we don’t know officially who’s running for each of these seats. Will the incumbents defend their spots? Will challengers appear? As we’ll detail below, the official application for the ballot doesn’t open until mid-January, so we wait with bated breath.

Important Dates

Here are some VERY IMPORTANT dates to remember for the city election:

  • Filing Dates – January 17 to February 16 – These are the dates when a candidate can file to be on the ballot. In another section below, we’ll discuss how they qualify to be on the ballot.
  • Last day to declare as a write-in – February 20 – This is the date that all write-in candidates must declare that they’d like to be considered by voters.
  • Last day to register to vote – April 5 – If you want to vote in the May election, you have to register by this date! Very important!
  • Early voting – April 23 to May 1 – Early voting will take place at the Cailloux Theater.
  • Election Day – May 5, 2018

Who can run for mayor or council?

Most folks who live in Kerrville are qualified to be on the ballot. Here are the requirements:

  • United States Citizen
  • At least 18 years of age by May 2018
  • Cannot be declared mentally unfit
  • No felony convictions
  • Residency in the city limits of Kerrville for the past 12 months (consecutively)
  • Registered voter
  • Cannot hold any other elected office

So, basically, you have to be over 18 and have to have lived in Kerrville for at least the past year. Contact Brenda Craig at the City Clerk’s Office for more information about eligibility.

How does one get on the ballot?

If a candidate meets all of the qualifications mentioned above, he or she has two ways to get on the ballot:

  1. Application and Signatures – You fill out an application and turn in a petition with at least 100 signatures from registered/eligible city voters.
  2. Application and Fee – In lieu of signatures, a candidate may fill out his/her application and attach a filing fee of $100.

The signatures option is a bit trickier than it sounds at first. The clerk has to review the signature petition and verify that each signer is a registered and eligible voter for the Kerrville election. All of the names, therefore, must be legible and verifiable. Also, let’s say you, as an eligible Kerrville voter, sign a petition for a candidate running for place 4. Then another candidate for place 4 comes along and you sign that one, too. Whoever turns in their petition first would get credit for your signature, and the signature on the next petition would be invalidated. So, that is, you can only sign a petition for one candidate in each place or seat.

If you are considering a run for mayor or place 3 or 4, visit the City of Kerrville City Secretary’s web page for contact information. Brenda Craig will get you an application and help you fill out your forms properly.

Next Steps…

If you aren’t currently registered to vote, DO IT TODAY! We have a link below to take you to the Texas Secretary of State’s website where you can check your eligibility and voter registration status. You can register online if you’re not up to date.

Please note that the deadlines for the other 2018 elections are different. Check the SOS website for information on deadlines for the 2018 Primary Election and the General Election.

But most importantly, REGISTER and VOTE!!

Check Registration: https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do

We will bring you all the news regarding the City of Kerrville candidates, campaigns, and election. Stay tuned!