KISD 2015 Academic Performance Report


As mentioned in today’s Kerrville Daily Times article, the 2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report for Kerrville ISD is available to view and download. We’ve added the document to our page at the link below to make it easier to find. The full report is very interesting, and I encourage all parents to download it and check it out.School

Graduation Rates and Drop-Outs

Most surprising to me is that KISD has maintained a ZERO percent dropout rate for all grades 7-12, compared to the state average of 2-3% dropout rate. However, our district does show that 5.5% of the class of 2014 received a GED instead of regular diplomas, and only 89.5% actually graduated, compared to the state average of about 0.5% receiving GEDs, but higher than the state average for graduates (88.3%). So it appears on its face that instead of letting kids drop out, we’re moving them into GED programs, which is certainly better than dropping out!

Apparently, according to my interpretation of these stats, the last time we had ANYONE drop out of high school was back in 2011.

Advanced Courses and Dual Enrollment

One of the only areas where the district doesn’t meet with state averages is when it comes to the percentage of kids participating in advanced courses or dual enrollment courses. While the state average in 2013-2014 showed that 53.2% of students in grades 11-12 completed an advanced course in at least one subject, in KISD that number is only 47.5%. When broken down by subject, we have low completion in Language Arts and Science.

Average SAT/ACT Scores

The average SAT score for the Tivy Class of 2014 was 1501, while the state average was 1417. The average ACT score at Tivy was 22.3 while the state average was 20.6.

Going on to College

For 2012-2013, the state average for high school graduates that enroll in an institute of higher education was 56.9%, while Tivy’s average is just 41.8%. For years 2011-2012, the state average is 57.3% while Tivy’s average is just 37.8%. So we do have some work to do in this area to meet the state average.