Early Voting Starts Today!


Get ready to vote, Kerr County! Early voting begins today at the Cailloux Theater at 910 Main Street and the Kerr County West Annex Courthouse at 3350 Hwy 27 in Ingram.

What Precinct Am I in?

Check this map: http://www.co.kerr.tx.us/commcrt/electionprecinctsmap.pdf

What do I bring?

Don’t forget that you’ll need ID. A driver’s license will work, or CHL permit, or passport, among other things. Check this link for more options.


Check the links below for sample ballots to avoid that “who the *** are these people?” feeling you might get in the ballot box.

Democratic – All Precincts
Republican – Precincts 101, 107, 109, 113, 118, 119
Republican – Precincts 202, 211, 215, 220
Republican – Precincts 303, 308, 312, 314
Republican – Precincts 404, 405, 406, 410, 416, 417

Where do I go?

Here’s a map to the Cailloux Theater.