Baroody’s attorney doesn’t rule out lawsuit against City


An article appearing in this week’s Hill Country Community Journal attributes two statements to Baroody’s attorney following the latest city council meeting. During that meeting, Baroody’s attorney, Roger Gordon, spoke on behalf of Mr. Baroody and requested that council restore Baroody to the discussions regarding the Peer Recovery federal lawsuit that’s been filed against the city. Council denied that request.

Roger Gordon, an attorney for George Baroody, speaks on Baroody’s behalf at council meeting on April 9. (Video frame from City of Kerrville video of meeting.)

But following the meeting, according to the Journal, “Gordon explained that while Baroody has not requested a lawsuit be filed, he does have the right to do so.”

Later, in an emailed response to the Journal, Gordon stated, “The City Charter does provide for ‘judicial review’ (filing of law suit) of the Council’s sanctions; at this time Mr. Baroody has not yet requested that review. It is absolutely within his rights to do so.”

So although no lawsuit has been filed and Baroody has stated that he does not intend to sue the city, his attorney can make no assurances that a lawsuit will not happen. With early voting only a few days away, we will continue to follow this story.

In addition to the recap of the latest meeting, the Journal has compiled a timeline of all events leading up to the latest council meeting. Please read their article via the link below.

Read Tammy Prout’s complete article on the Journal website at this link: