Council Agenda for January 8, 2019


The Kerrville City Council will convene for the first time in 2019 tonight for a regular meeting at 6 PM at City Hall. A busy agenda awaits the council’s consideration. Tonight’s meeting can be viewed live at this link.

Full Agenda
Agenda Packet
Watch Live at 6 PM

Here are some of the highlights:

Set Election Date

Council will officially declare May 4, 2019, as the official election date for municipal elections. As we’ve reported, Place 1 and Place 2 are up for election this year — places currently held by Vincent Voelkel and George Baroody, respectively.

Executive Session for “Hotel/Conference Center”

The council is scheduled to adjourn to executive session to discuss a business prospect for economic development described as a hotel/conference center. Because of the sensitive nature of negotiations and business proprietary information, the council will discuss these matters in a meeting room that is not open to the public. No immediate action is posted on the agenda following this session, so it’s unclear if any action will be taken after this secret meeting.

Zoning and Street Closure for HEB

The council will consider changing the zoning classification for the current HEB site. In addition, council will discuss the closing of a portion of Hays Street to allow the proposed new 100,000 square foot building to be constructed as pictured in the site plan below. The changes will also allow for an expanded fuel station and car wash at this site.

The portion of Hays Street that would close is valued at $250,000. HEB will incur the costs to relocate certain infrastructure relating to storm drainage, and will compensate the city with $102,000 in addition to the value of those infrastructure changes.

Proposed site plan for “new” HEB on Highway 27 in downtown Kerrville.

The proposed HEB development sits within the TIRZ that was established in late 2018, so any increase in property values will begin to add to the “TIRZ piggy bank” that will be used for future downtown development and enhancements.

PDD for 318 Leslie Drive

Council will consider creating a Planned Development District at 318 Leslie Drive for a proposed office plaza at this location.

Site Plan for 318 Leslie Drive.

City staff is recommending approval of this PDD.

Funding for River Trail Extension to Schreiner University

Schreiner University is requesting $1.5 million in funding from the Economic Improvement Corporation (EIC) for the construction of about a mile of River Trail that would extend the path to the Schreiner campus.

Schreiner makes their case for this funding by pointing out that the university seeks to expand their enrollment to nearly 2,400 students by 2024, and each student has a local economic impact of about $52,000, contributing to a current economic impact of $63 million per year. The increased enrollment is projected to add 60 new jobs at Schreiner at an average annual wage of $54,000. The university contends that extending the River Trail to the campus would assist them in marketing the school to prospective new students.

As part of this proposed agreement, the City would provide design and engineering services, acquire the easements, and construct the trail. Schreiner, in turn, would provide public access to this portion of the trail, construct a trailhead, and build bathrooms near the trailhead.

The proposed section of trail would connect to the existing river trail near the G Street bridge. It would cross the river at that point and travel along the northeast side of the river until it reaches Quinlan Creek. The new trail would follow the west side of Quinlan Creek generally north to the new trailhead. See diagram below.

Contract to replace Legion Lift Station

Council will consider authorizing a contract with Keystone Construction for a $5.4 million project to replace the Legion Lift Station. This project has been contemplated since 2008, confirmed as a priority within the 2050 Comprehensive Plan, and would provide much-needed upgrade to the capacity for sewage collection on a large portion of the city’s service area.

Board Appointments

Council will make appointments to the following city boards:

  • Charter Review Commission
  • Animal Services Advisory Board
  • Recovery Community Coalition
  • Senior Services Advisory Committee
  • Planning and Zoning Commission