Kim Clarkson announces candidacy for City Council Place 2


The 2019 Kerrville City Council election has its first officially announced candidacy — Kim Clarkson announced her intention to run for Place 2 via a press release made available to us on Friday.

Kim Clarkson, Courtesy Photo

Clarkson is the first candidate to officially enter the race and has picked up her candidate packet from City Hall. Only one other potential candidate has picked up a packet, and that’s Vincent Voelkel, the incumbent in Place 1 up for reelection in May. Mr. Voelkel has not publicly announced his intention to run, however.

Kim Clarkson is a Kerrville native and works with her family business, Kerr County Abstract & Title. Clarkson has served in various volunteer and service capacities in Kerrville, including as a subcommittee member on the Kerrville 2050 Comprehensive Plan Committee, and currently serves on the city’s Code Review Committee.

In the press release, Clarkson stated:

“I was first asked to run for city council over a year ago. After careful consideration, I believe my passion for the community, my record of service, and the development of my leadership skills have led me to this decision. I believe, if elected, that serving on the Kerrville City Council will offer me the opportunity to give back to all of the great people in Kerrville who love living here as much as I do.”

–Kim Clarkson

Read the full press release here:

Packets for candidates are available at the Kerrville City Hall. Candidates can officially file for a place on the ballot starting on January 16 and the closing deadline is February 15. This year’s election takes place on Saturday, May 4, with early voting beginning on April 22.

Stay tuned to Kerrville United for up-to-the-minute news on municipal politics and elections.