We seek to understand all points of view


The goal of Kerrville United is to inform and educate the voters about the most important issues we face as a community. Although we do express particular viewpoints from time to time, we have always invited those who might disagree with us to give us insight from their point of view. To that end, we want to officially encourage and invite Mayor Bonnie White, Councilman Vincent Voelkel, Councilman George Baroody, and others who support them to provide us with statements — whether the format is audio, video, or written statements — or other materials to help understand and clarify “the other side of the argument.” We will publish them! Or if you prefer, we are happy to host an interview. Whether it’s about the Mike Hayes contract, or any other issue that we discuss on this page, we invite a polite and substantive debate.

On that point, I want to encourage our readership to engage one another in a manner that we would be proud to show our children and grandchildren. It’s ok (and encouraged) to debate the issues, but the most constructive debates don’t include any grandstanding, name-calling, ad hominem attacks, or any other obscene or obtuse behavior. Let this be a forum to discuss these matters in a high-minded way, because we’re setting examples for our children, and we’re advertising to other communities what Kerrville is all about.

To properly educate our audience, we want to be clear that we are still actively seeking engagement from all points of view, and we encourage you to come forward and share your views with us! Feel free to reach out to me at any time.

–Aaron Yates