City of Kerrville Budget Process


We have neglected to post all of our content from Facebook onto this website, and we apologize for the oversight! This was a busy week with lots of moving parts, and we’d like to take this opportunity to present the following videos, in order of creation, for your viewing pleasure.

September 20 – Council vs. EIC Budget Dispute

First up, this video was created following the September meeting of the Economic Improvement Corporation. The video explains the disagreement between council and EIC regarding the budget for EIC and KEDC.

September 21 – Developers Approach the EIC

In this video, affordable housing developers approach the EIC to discuss funding of infrastructure to support additional development near the area they plan to build affordable housing units. The video discusses how we treat developers and how we choose who is appointed to various boards.

September 27 – White’s Brand of Transparency

The September 26 meeting was a barn burner! This video examines the process (or the “tick tock”) for the Baroody budget amendments.

September 28 – Mary Ellen Summerlin’s Remarks to Council

This is a selection of remarks from the September 26 city council meeting made by Place 3 Councilperson Mary Ellen Summerlin.