Get involved: Apply for a city board opening


Kerrville United encourages citizens to get involved in local government in a variety of ways, and one of the most hands-on ways to participate is by applying for and joining a city board. City boards are appointed by City Council and serve as advisors and decision-makers for various city functions and responsibilities. Today the City of Kerrville announced openings on the following boards and committees:

  • Building Board of Adjustments
  • Main Street Advisory Board
  • Zoning Board of Adjustments
  • Senior Services Advisory Committee

Applications are available on the City of Kerrville website at this page:

Completed applications should be e-mailed to the city secretary’s office at or Deputy City Secretary Kesha Franchina at

For more information, contact City Secretary Shelley McElhannon at (830) 258-1117 or Deputy City Secretary Kesha Franchina at (830) 258-1118, or visit the city’s website at