SBOE candidate Robert Morrow engages with KU authors on Twitter


The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. And researching EVERY candidate in every election is critical. This year’s race for State Board of Education District 5 is a perfect example of the importance of those two statements.

Early voting is underway for the Republican and Democratic Party runoffs in Kerr County. On the Republican ticket, there is a runoff between two candidates for the Texas State Board of Education, District 5. The two candidates are Lani Popp and Robert Morrow. In the general primary in March, Morrow received nearly 42% of the vote in Kerr County, drawing 3,551 votes, forcing a runoff between Morrow and Popp.

Morrow’s platform can only be described as bizarre. On his Twitter page, his cover image includes a sign accusing President Donald Trump of being a child rapist, and accuses Lyndon B. Johnson of assassinating John F. Kennedy. Every single Republican member of the State Board of Education has endorsed AGAINST Morrow. The Texas GOP leaders are concerned that he might win.

Morrow regularly tweets lewd photos of nearly naked women and makes highly inappropriate comments on his Twitter feed.

On Monday, as early voting got underway in Kerr County and around the state, your author (Aaron Yates) tweeted information about Lani Popp and Robert Morrow and encouraged voters to vote against Morrow in the runoff election. Mr. Morrow exchanged tweets with KU contributor Marty Lenard and your author throughout the day. Here are the screenshots of those interactions. Please note that the image Mr. Morrow posted may not be suitable for some audiences (lewd photo of a woman).

This behavior is not new for Mr. Morrow. A brief look at his Twitter feed should provide all of the information you need to make an informed decision at the polls regarding your representative for the State Board of Education District 5.