P&Z will consider sign variance for Arcadia Theater


At the first meeting in the new year, Kerrville’s Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) will hear an application for a variance to the Sign Ordinance for the Arcadia Theater. In addition, P&Z will consider the annexation and zoning of the USDA Research Facility on Highway 16 North. The January 2, 2020, meeting will be held at 4:30 PM in council chambers.

Arcadia Signage Variance Request

As part of the renovation of the historic Arcadia Theater in downtown Kerrville, the nonprofit has applied for a variance to allow the existing “blade” sign on Water Street to be relocated to the rear of the building (facing the river), and for the installation of a new sign to replace it on the front facade.

The 210 square foot blade on the front of the building would be moved to the rear, where a new deck overlooking the river is planned as part of the renovation package. A new historically accurate sign would be placed on the front of the building, measuring approximately 32 square feet per side.

Existing sign on Water Street to be moved to rear of building.
Architectural drawing of the rear of the Arcadia building, facing the Guadalupe River. The “blade” sign that’s currently on the front of the building would be moved to the rear, above the deck.
Proposed signage to be installed on Water Street once the existing sign is removed.

The variance is needed because the current sign ordinance would not allow for the re-use of the existing sign because of its size and overall height. The current ordinance also would not allow the new sign to be internally illuminated. This variance would satisfy those two issues.

Annexation of USDA Research Facility

P&Z will also consider annexing the Knipling-Bushland U.S. Livestock Insects Research Laboratory (USDA lab) to the city limits and applying a Planned Development District (PDD) as the zoning. This facility is located northwest of the intersection of Highway 16 and Interstate 10.

Annexation is necessary to connect the research facility to city infrastructure such as water and sewer. The USDA facility is being upgraded and renovated to the tune of $54 million.
